Being a mother belongs to one of the most rewarding and fulfilling life experiences. However, very few things can be as challenging as keeping a newborn healthy and happy. Don’t forget that women find themselves under even harsher pressure these days since they take care of children and build their careers simultaneously. Indeed, mothers often feel stretched very thin due to the growing amount of responsibilities. They want to plunge into parenting, dedicating their time to children who grow way too fast. On the other hand, women don’t want to lose skills.
The Labour world is demanding, so if you can’t keep up with the constantly emerging requirements, you may struggle professionally. Oh, and don’t forget numerous house responsibilities! Even if you share duties with your partner, your to-do list will still be quite impressive.
Therefore, moms might feel guilty about not being able to excel in all the roles, be it at home or in the workplace. There are no universal ready-made solutions and no magic wand women could wave to change things overnight. Many tips you may find relevant and helpful will have nothing to do with the reality other mothers face. However, we have prepared some viable, proven strategies that help successfully combine work and motherhood.
Think of Doing Business From Home
Yes, you heard it correctly. Although launching a business is like having another baby, entrepreneurship provides people with maximum flexibility and autonomy. You can improve your welfare, find mind-like people, and enhance managerial skills. However, more importantly, you don’t depend on anyone and make your schedule meet your priorities. Having your own business is one of the most valuable experiences. You learn to understand customers’ needs, business trends, economic situation and how it influences trade of products or services. Owners have a multidimensional vision of things and their experience is worth its weight in gold.
One of the best options for mothers is launching their own blogs. It is a great way to develop a business and earn money. Blogging mothers can spend more time with their children and travel. They also gather inspirational communities.
Here, you can find excellent tips on how to start blogging and combine motherhood with business. In Urban Mamaz Yanna shares with the audience how to monetize the blog by selling digital products.
Here one can find tons of visuals for your social media (such as Instagram stickers and highlights), adorable presents for all occasions (baby milestone cards, birthday cards etc), planners, calendars and other nice things that brighten our routine. Having your own business is a complicated but profitable path. Check out tips from professionals and get started.
Try Freelancing Career
When it comes to motherhood, flexibility is a king. More people worldwide prefer freelance to corporate jobs because it provides them with unprecedented freedom. For mothers, choosing working hours, projects, and tasks is a golden opportunity to stay a sought-after specialist and dedicate enough time for their kids.
Becoming an independent consultant is another good option, especially if you had a large network and loyal clients before the maternity leave. Start-up costs won’t be high, you don’t need to pass any exams or qualification tests. On the other hand, selling your talent on the market requires a well-elaborated profile, an impressive CV, and targeted advertisement. If your skills and knowledge are sufficient for this sector, clients won’t make you wait for them. They will eagerly cooperate with you and spread awareness about your services.
In today’s world, networking is a key to many benefits. The more people know about your skills and are satisfied with provided services, the more phone calls and emails with injuries you will receive. This freedom gives flexibility.
Another good option is working remotely part-time. There are many options on how you can cooperate with companies, for example, as an employee on a project basis. Web-designers, copywriters, illustrators and others are specialists who can easily work from home for several companies.
Thus, you will have more control over your career and spend enough time with your family. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t expect to find dozens of clients during the very first weeks of your job. Yet, project by project, you will create an impressive portfolio and have as much job as you can bear.
Get Side Hustles
If neither entrepreneurship nor freelance attracts you enough, consider good old side hustles. This activity might not cover all expenditures, but will help you keep professional skills and earn some money. Side hustles can be a good start if you are not sure how much time you will be able to dedicate to the career in the beginning. The best way to find a side job is to ask people around.
If you know foreign languages or how to knit, these talents will come in handy. Check out various platforms where people offer their services. You will be amazed with the diversity of options. For example, you can watch ads, test applications, take surveys, or come listen and write down audio recordings. Most of the tasks are relatively easy to fulfil. They don’t require much time. However, it’s always a good option to earn some money.
Mothers often claim that taking care of children is exhausting. Learning something new is a time-consuming process, and mothers are always running out of time. Yet, if you manage to find something inspirational for you and turn this hobby into a side job, you will advance professionally and emotionally. Don’t hurry up, explore various options, ask for advice. Mothers are gods of multitasking. So, don’t hesitate to try new professions.
Working moms get a completely unique experience. They learn and work 24/7. Don’t forget about that while looking for a job. Moms can launch businesses, work for different projects, and take on various side hustles. You are not alone on this path. There are moms who would gladly share their experiences. Don’t hesitate to consider different options and stay a sought-after specialist. Combining motherhood and a job is a lifetime experience, one proudly underline in the CV. If you can manage these two things, you can manage everything.