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6 Skateboarding Tips for Beginners

People have different hobbies in life. Cooking, planting, collecting paintings, so on and so forth. But in this article we will be talking about one hobby most teenagers are fond of – skating. Honestly, being able to maneuver and perform excellent and astonishing skating stunts is jaw-dropping!

But learning to do these doesn’t happen overnight. Skaters took days of practicing and time to execute some actions.

But how exactly an aspiring skater should be able to do this? Here are some tips for beginners:

1. You need a good skateboard.

img source: ctfassets.net

A fantastic performer is always better off when he/she has an excellent tool to use while learning. A “good” skateboard doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive, but it pays to purchase skateboards from reputable brands.

Aside from that, the kind of skateboard that you need is something durable and has a strong built to endure the abuse that it will experience in your learning. Also, make sure to select a skateboard that will function correctly and not break easily. Otherwise, you might have to encounter accidents along the way, which will obstruct your learning experience. Preferably, the deck should be made out of hard rock maple to ensure safety. Check the best electric skateboards here.

2. Gear up with the appropriate clothing and footwear.

When you learn to skate, you might need the aid of a specific type of clothing. If you dress wrong, you may experience being stumbled, tripped, or lie on the floor and get wounded and cuts. That’s why it’s vital for you as an aspiring skater to wear the appropriate clothing and footwear to avoid these accidents or lessen the likelihood of experiencing severe injuries.

For the head, wear a helmet. For elbows and knees, you should wear protective caps so that in case that you hit the floor with those parts of your body, you have protection against fractures. As for the footwear, it is recommended that you wear classic tennis shoes because it’s designed for these types of activities.

3. Choose the right place to skate.

img source: danapointtimes.com

An aspiring skater would also need a good training ground – literally. For beginners, flat, smooth, and asphalt-made base or concrete is ideal for learning how to skate. What you should avoid is learning how to skate on cracked concrete and areas containing objects that obstruct the wheels of your skateboard. Things like this can definitely cause untoward accidents.

4. The pushing and stop: the basic techniques

Whatever is your dominant foot, this should be the one you use to push. The dominant foot is called the “back foot.” This is one of the basic techniques skaters apply when learning how to skate. Some also are using their weak foot, and this is called “pushing mongo.”


Put your front foot on the skateboard’s frontal bolts, and then place your “back foot” on the ground next to the skateboard. Keep doing this and push to make your skating faster.


There are about three ways to stop: and be mindful of these because most of the time, the way you stop may result in a painful accident that you wouldn’t like at all.

  • First method: Start skating slowly so as to estimate when to stop before running out of concrete.
  • Second method: Hand the toes off the tail. Drag them on the concrete, then press the tail, pick up the front wheels, then skate slowly and have patience. Never drag the tail of the board on the concrete.
  • Third method: The last method is called the “emergency brake.” From the word itself, an emergency means that you have to make a drastic move to avoid the accident from happening. What you will do is to literally jump off the board and run. Just let the skate go wherever it goes and run. This is perhaps the instinct of the skater when he/she incredibly feels that he/she is heading towards an accident.

5. Turning

img source: mellowboards.com

Perhaps another thing you need to learn is how to turn. This one is part of your learning on how to push and stop. Adjusting the trucks is an essential part of the trick. By doing this, the board will lean on the side where you apply “pressure.” Putting a wrench that will fit the kingpin nut (9/16 inch or 14mm) on hand so as to adjust the truck tightness according to your preference. Lastly, never forget to learn on the side where you will make your turns.

6. The golden trick: Ollie!

Perhaps a note-worthy trick for an aspiring skater is the “Ollie” trick. Though this is truly an achievement once you are able to do it just like skating, this will take time unless you have a hidden talent for skateboarding. But how to do it?

Place your back foot squarely in the middle of the tail. The front foot should be placed a little further than usual, like a few inches behind the truck. All the rest must be done fluidly.

The next thing to do is jump as high as possible through your back foot, and the weight of the front foot should be pulled all off and lift it high. Bring the back foot to the same level as the front foot and simultaneously use the outsides of the front foot so as to level off the skateboard on air.

This may sound simple, but trust me when I say this needs more practice before you can perfectly pop the tail off the ground at the right moment when jumping.

  • Doing the “Ollie trick” up and down obstacles:

The actual skating begins. Perhaps the last tip for skaters is to apply the Ollie lessons to the actual obstacle course.

Final Words

img source: reutersmedia.net

When you finally learn how to skate and execute the techniques, the whole skating learning experience would be a milestone in your life. It wouldn’t be a hobby anymore but an achievement that has sound effects on your physical health and mental health.

Skating could be a form of exercise because while learning, you will sweat, which means some toxins are eliminated in your body, which is good. It also is suitable for your mental state because engaging in these activities excites you and keeps you distracted. Imagine being focused on knowing how to properly roll out the wheels of your skateboard while you glide in the concrete. You become thrilled and challenged at the same time.

It can be tough to navigate the world of skateboarding when you’re a newbie, but a bit of research goes a long way. Sources like Inboard Skate contain a wealth of information regarding skateboards, skills, products, and more.

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