29 Down Right Genius Prank Ideas For April Fools’ Day
Its April Fools’ this Tuesday and I know you’re all geared up for some hardcore mischief. According to Ownage Pranks, this is the best time to unleach your creativity and wits and here are some ideas that will up your mischief level, ensuring you have the most fun day of your life ever! Mischief managed!
1. Make them a surprise cake to express your love and concern for them!
2. Paint over soap with clear nail polish and leave it in the shower
3. Turn their windshield wipers into a rainbow paintbrush*
4. Serve them some delicious Jello right at their work desk!
Cole Eweret
5. Install an airhorn as a door wall protector!
6. Or….even better…under their seats!
7. Give their hands some extra lubrication!
8. Surprise their taste buds with caramel onions
9. Infest their office with (fake) rats
10. Create an infinite loop of shopping carts around their car
11. Dress up as a seat and watch people’s reactions
12. Offer them some water in an original way
13. Make their Oreos taste minty fresh (make sure the toothpaste is edible*)
* The fluoride in toothpaste is toxic, so please use your discretion when using this prank. Consider using mayonnaise as a safe alternative!
14. Pull the zip-tie, throw it, and run!
15. Make them stop the second they pop
16. Grow a garden within their keyboards!
17. Watch a friend struggle with his mouse for 5 minutes before discovering this!
18. Make everyone wonder “How constipated can that man be to last 6 hrs straight on the can!”
19. Leave them a big, soggy brown present!
20. Give their car a bright new paint job (with sticky notes)
21. Or at least give it some class by redecorating it a bit (with cotton balls!)
Dip cotton balls in water and leave them to freeze overnight
22. Give their office a technology upgrade
23. Tell them they’re too self-absorbed
24. Offer them a cup of water (or two or several thousand)
25. Introduce them to mayonnaise-filled donuts
26. Fill their office with balloons
27. or redecorate it with newspapers
28. In short get them the office they never thought was possible
29. Make their worst nightmare a grim reality!
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