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How to Accelerate Your Kids’ Education during Covid-19 Lockdown in 2024

The global pandemic has made the lives of the people absolutely stagnant. Due to issues of safety, people are restricted to their houses as a result of lockdown. People are barred from leaving their houses even for going to the office. Technology and work from home have become increasingly prevalent during the ongoing pandemic.

One of the sectors, which have been greatly affected due to the pandemic and lockdown, is education. The schools have shut down as a result of lockdown, learners are barred from going to school for safety issues, and online education has become the only path for learning.

In such a situation, it is important for the parents as well as guardians to be aware of ways in which they can accelerate their kids’ education during the lockdown. Hope this article helps.

Plan a Routine

img source: unsplash.com

When children go to school, they are usually bound by routines with fixed time frames for classes, lunch breaks, playtime, and extracurricular activities. Therefore, it is evident that children are accustomed to a routine-bound life. It will be a wise decision on the parents’ part to provide their kids with a routine.

However, it is always best to consult the kids during the preparation of schedules. The kids ought to know for themselves their own personalized schedules. Routines help children understand ways to spend time in a distinct manner and plan their day in an individual manner.

Although the routine should be bound within certain time frames, the parents ought to make sure that the schedule is flexible and gives children the opportunity to make small changes to the pre-existing routine.

Parents should also make sure to incorporate separate playtimes and reading times for their children, as these activities also help children to learn. The kids should be given some liberty to plan their own routines according to their own wishes.

Planning a routine, helps children become more proactive, thereby developing their analytical thinking and making them independent.

Encourage Open Conversation

img source: centralexchange.org

As people are restricted from going outside for any purpose, be it work or entertainment, due to lockdown, it is important that parents and children engage in open conversation. Parents can encourage the children to discuss the learnings they have acquired during their online class.

Parents can also motivate children to ask questions about the subjects they have learned; guardians can, in turn, ask questions to their children in order to know how much they have understood. This understanding is highly important to keep a tab on the learning of children or to understand if online learning is proving effective for them.

Feedback can be accordingly communicated to schools or particular teachers so as to get the most out of online learning. Discussion between parents and children also helps to reduce the inherent stress and anxiety that is latent in children.

Communication helps children deal with tension arising due to various reasons such as a pandemic, lockdown, safety measures, and so on, thereby helping them concentrate on education.

Give Time to Your Kids

img source: cms-tc.pbskids.org

Time is an extremely important factor when it comes to educating children in such tough times. After a few months of lockdown, the schools and other educational institutions have started taking online classes.

However, education can never be simply restricted to online class hours. The parents have to take out time from their own schedules when they will engage in their children’s education. If your goal is to take a 40 minutes session with your children, then you have to make sure that you begin with shorter time frames, such as 10 minutes.

Gradually, the time frames need to increase with each session, so as to reach the goal of 40 minutes of learning sessions. It is essential that parents do not force their children into long hours of learning or rush them through lessons. Such actions result in incomplete learning in the students, as a result of which there exists a lacuna in their learning.

Help Children in their Home Assignments

img source todaysparent.com

It is often seen that schools burden the children with a huge chunk of home assignments after the completion of a particular lesson. As a result of the stress associated with the completion of the home assignments, young learners fail to delve properly into the lessons. It is due to this reason, that they develop a partial understanding of the lesson.

As one lesson is related to the understanding of the next lesson, there remains a backlog in their learning process. Therefore, it is important that the parents support their children in doing their homework and make use of the saved time in teaching them by taking longer learning sessions with them.
In this regard, parents have considered ThanksForTheHelp to be an effective online platform that helps young learners in the completion of their home assignments.

Stay in Touch with Children’s Schools

img source: unsplash.com

Since education has completely become online in the wake of the pandemic and as a result of lockdown, the children are not allowed to visit schools for taking safety measures. Learning, assessment, and evaluation are now completely guided by online platforms.

Therefore, educators are not being able to effectively assess and evaluate the children as they could do earlier. It is due to this reason, that parents should keep note of the progress of their children and provide proper feedback to the educators as well as the school in order to accelerate the quality of education and learning of the young learners.

Take Activity-Based Tests at Home

img source; littleguidedetroit.com

In order to accelerate your child’s education at home, the parents can assess their kid’s learning by taking activity-based tests in the form of quizzes, puzzles, word games, and rapid-fire sessions. Such entertaining methods of assessing young learners help to instill the knowledge so that they are capable of applying it in their class examinations. Learning in the form of games also helps students understand their lessons better in a very entertaining manner.

By associating games with education, different types of skills are enhanced such as quick thinking, relating topics, analyzing, and so on.

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